July 11, 2021

What Darwin observed during his voyage on the Beagle.

Discuss what Darwin observed during his voyage on the Beagle. How did those observations lead to his theory about common descent with modification?Use the scientific method […]
July 11, 2021

Darwinism v social Darwinism and scientific racism

https://youtu.be/dfsUz2O2jwwhttps://youtu.be/JeCKftkNKJ0This week we took some time to analyze and understand Darwinian evolution/natural selection, as well as the rise of Social-Darwinism and Eugenics. Consider these questions. in […]
July 11, 2021

Magic and the Origins of Modern Science

  In a two- to three-page journal, reflect on John Henry’s chapter “Magic and the Origins of Modern Science” about the role of superstition in the […]
July 11, 2021

Scientific discovery

Darwin, Curie, Einstein, Newton. These are names we all have heard at some point or another, but why? Throughout the ages, scientists like these have endeavored […]
July 10, 2021

Writing about animals

Based upon readings and discussions in class to date, craft the best defense of animal rights that properly respects race and identity. our idea: Humans are […]
July 10, 2021

The scientific validity of some social and medical practices

We have, in this first lesson, introduced a widely accepted definition of Science. We will explore now the scientific validity of some social and medical practices […]
July 10, 2021

Respiratory and Asthma

What are some things people do that adversely affect their respiration? What is COPD and how does it affect the respiratory system? Is asthma considered a […]
July 8, 2021

Negative impacts of humans on the biosphere.

Discuss three (3) positive and three (3) negative impacts of humans on the biosphere. Which positive and negative impacts do you believe are the most significant […]
July 8, 2021

Science and society

Science doesn’t happen in a vacuum. In fact, it is always affected by factors outside of what we normally classify as science. Constraints regarding funding, public […]
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