January 2, 2023

Van Orden v. Perry, 545 U.S. 677 (2005) and McCreary County v. American Civil Liberties Union of K

In 2018, the town of Prattville erected a monument with the 10 Commandments inscribed on its face. A private citizen donated the monument to the city, […]
January 2, 2023

Supranational courts

      What are your views about supranational courts? Once the court’s jurisdiction crosses borders, ethical concerns take more precedence. Examine at least two ethical […]
January 2, 2023

Selecting a jury

        Explain how cultural diversity within the prosecutors and the public defender’s office would be beneficial when selecting a jury?
January 2, 2023

Justice system

      Compare and contrast two strengths and two weaknesses of its justice system against that of the United States’ justice system. Suggest one change […]
January 2, 2023

Black’s Law Dictionary

        According to Black’s Law Dictionary, jury nullification is “[a] jury’s knowing and deliberate rejection of the evidence or refusal to apply the […]
December 27, 2022

Offer case law and statutory law

memo addressing the issue ( Is Lois’ adoption by Abe and Jose appropriate? Why?) Your supervising attorney’s client (Dad) is the custodial parent of his 5-year-old […]
December 24, 2022

Legal issues in healthcare relating to consent in children

“Children, particularly older children, should have the same unfettered right as adults to make treatment decisions for Themselves, subject only to the same law on capacity” […]
December 24, 2022

Hacking wireless networks

Write a research paper of minimum five pages, 5-7 about hacking wireless networks
December 23, 2022

Criminal justice policy

    Part 1 (save this as AC003 part one) For Part I of this Assessment, you are going to create an executive summary that argues […]
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