January 14, 2023

Expert in constitutional law

  Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide whether you would accept or reject the case if you were the lawyer You are an […]
January 14, 2023

Criminal law, not criminal procedure

  Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide whether you would accept or reject the case if you were the lawyer. You are an […]
January 14, 2023

Criminal law, not civil litigation

    Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide whether you would accept or reject the case if you were the lawyer You are […]
January 14, 2023

Can Jenna appeal her case to the US Supreme Court?

  Jenna sues Max for $25,000, based on a car accident that occurs in Indiana. Jenna loses at trial and appeals to the highest state appellate […]
January 14, 2023

Johnson v. Pearce

Read Johnson v. Pearce, 148 N.C.App. 199 (2001). In this case, the plaintiff sued the defendant for criminal conversation. Is this a civil litigation matter or […]
January 14, 2023

Civil litigation matter or a criminal prosecution

Jerry, a law enforcement officer, pulls Juanita over for speeding. When Jerry begins writing Juanita’s traffic ticket, she starts to berate him and accuse him of […]
January 14, 2023

The Legal System in the United States

  O. J. Simpson was prosecuted criminally and sued civilly for the murder and wrongful death of victims Ron Goldman and his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson. […]
January 14, 2023

Citizenship of a corporation

  Read Hertz Corp. v. Friend, 130 S. Ct. 1181 (2010). How did the US Supreme Court determine citizenship of a corporation for the purpose of […]
January 14, 2023

Citizenship of a corporation

  Read Hertz Corp. v. Friend, 130 S. Ct. 1181 (2010). How did the US Supreme Court determine citizenship of a corporation for the purpose of […]
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