December 14, 2022

Medieval European history

Choose two primary sources that address religion during medieval europe. Write an argumentative academic paper that introduces, enforces, challenges, or complicates our view of medieval history […]
December 14, 2022

Medieval European history

Choose two primary sources that address religion during medieval europe. Write an argumentative academic paper that introduces, enforces, challenges, or complicates our view of medieval history […]
December 14, 2022

Making of the West

  Read ch. 29 in Making of the West and watch the video on globalization ( Explaining Globalization – Video – Films On Demand ( ). […]
December 14, 2022

World History

After reviewing the video and the reading of the Glorious Revolution, discuss why this revolution was not a bloody revolution as we know the majority of […]
December 14, 2022

World History

After reviewing the video and the reading of the Glorious Revolution, discuss why this revolution was not a bloody revolution as we know the majority of […]
December 14, 2022

Thinking About History

    Thinking About History, learning block 7-3 (page 3) in the webtext, you worked toward the following elements: II. Body: You will use this section […]
December 13, 2022

Absolutism and Constitutionalism

What effects did Absolutism and Constitutionalism have on the development of the ideology of Western European polities?
December 13, 2022

Autonomous and/or independent spaces and states

Resistance, rebellion, and the forging of autonomous and/or independent spaces and statesFor sources: you may use any of the sources and readings we have used in […]
December 13, 2022

Slave women, the family, and culture-building in the Caribbean

For sources: you may use any of the sources and readings we have used in class. I encourage you to also use other library and online […]
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