December 22, 2022

The Red Scare and post-WWI period

        The Red Scare and post-WWI period were rife with issues of unjust jurisprudence and prejudice. This case stretched out over 7 years […]
December 21, 2022

Agricultural Revolution

      Consider the Agricultural Revolution and its consequences. In your analysis, do you believe that the benefits for humanity outweigh the corresponding problems? Was […]
December 21, 2022

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

        Read the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Discuss Douglass’ life and how his quest for education aided […]
December 21, 2022


    Napoleon destroyed much of the old order of Europe, spreading, and embedding many of the ideas of the French Revolution. How did Napoleon expand […]
December 21, 2022

The Industrial Revolution

      The Industrial Revolution ushered in an era of vast change. Discuss how these changes affected the common man. How did technological change spur […]
December 21, 2022

Black Americans Reactions To Jim Crow

How does Washington describe past relations between blacks and whites?
December 20, 2022

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980s.

        Examine the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980s. Include the following in your discussion: What were the main reasons for the […]
December 20, 2022

Obstacles faced by Chinese immigrants to the United States in the late nineteenth century.

      Discuss the many obstacles faced by Chinese immigrants to the United States in the late nineteenth century. Among the immigrant groups arriving in […]
December 20, 2022

The freedoms and restrictions experienced by American women after 1880.

    Discuss some of the freedoms and restrictions experienced by American women after 1880. How did some women’s lives seem to change for the better, […]
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