December 26, 2022


  Select one artist from each of the following movement to research: Romanticism: o Joseph Wright o William Blake o Sophie Fremiet Once you’ve selected the […]
December 23, 2022

Was the French Revolution Worth Its Human Cost

  This week we are going to participate in a debate. Since our readings are based on revolutions, we will take a look the French Revolution. […]
December 22, 2022

The accomplishments of the World War I

World War I was an unprecedented period in world history. World War I (“The Great War”) toppled empires, created new nations, and sparked tensions that would […]
December 22, 2022

Excerpt of the Espionage Act 1918

Section 3: “Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the […]
December 22, 2022

Why the reconstruction failed

        Why did Reconstruction fail? Who was president and why was he a failure in regards to Reconstruction? Should the Southern leadership have […]
December 22, 2022

Why the reconstruction failed

        Why did Reconstruction fail? Who was president and why was he a failure in regards to Reconstruction? Should the Southern leadership have […]
December 22, 2022

The economic and political causes leading to WWII.

            Discuss the economic and political causes leading to WWII. Base your discussion on the themes and concepts from the readings […]
December 22, 2022

The economic and political causes leading to WWII.

            Discuss the economic and political causes leading to WWII. Base your discussion on the themes and concepts from the readings […]
December 22, 2022

The Red Scare and post-WWI period

        The Red Scare and post-WWI period were rife with issues of unjust jurisprudence and prejudice. This case stretched out over 7 years […]
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