January 5, 2023

World War I

World War I demonstrated the continued creativity of the Era of Invention.Choose 1 military and 1 medical invention that played a role in WWI.Why were they […]
January 5, 2023

The Harlem Renaissance

Of the various authors, artists, and musicians who participated in the Harlem Renaissance, identify the person whose autograph you would most want and explain the reasons […]
January 5, 2023

An in-depth exploration of a person

  This project will be an in-depth exploration of a person from the eras we studied in order to discover more about their life and the […]
January 5, 2023

How the Axial Age was a period of great thought

    Consider how the Axial Age was a period of great thought, philosophy and change across the societies we’ve looked at. Many people think that […]
January 5, 2023

The Civil Rights Movement

        Using the Internet, locate and read Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech given in Washington D.C., August 1963. Copy […]
January 5, 2023

Being historically informed.

        Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed. For example, what historical inquiry skills might be important […]
January 5, 2023

Historical inquiry skills to classes

    What changes, big or small, have occurred in how you apply historical inquiry skills to classes, your personal life, and/or your career?  
January 4, 2023

Race and class intersect in American cities

In what ways did race and class intersect in American cities around the turn of the 20th century?
January 4, 2023

Technology or migration and industrial urbanization

Did technology or migration play a more important role in industrial urbanization?
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