January 9, 2023

Role of westward expansion in increasing sectional tensions

Discuss the major movements and events that led to the Civil War by describing the role of westward expansion in increasing sectional tensions.
January 9, 2023

Roles blacks take on during the war

in addition to fighting, what other roles did blacks take on during the war? What does this tell us ?
January 9, 2023

Abraham Lincoln frees the slaves

many people think Abraham Lincoln frees the slaves , and have given him the reputation of the great emancipator. What was the real meaning and effect […]
January 9, 2023

Myths and realities of the Underground Railroad

Discuss the myths and realities of the Underground Railroad.
January 9, 2023

Element of the compromise of 1850

Discuss the element of the compromise of 1850. Why were southerners so unhappy with it ? Why did southerners think the fugitive slave law of 1850 […]
January 9, 2023

The abolitionist movement

How did the abolitionist movement lead to the women’s movement ? What type of conditions were women under in mid-nineteenth century America ? How did some […]
January 8, 2023

Bringing an end to apartheid

The fights to end Jim Crow and apartheid required extraordinary patience, organization, and persistence. Based on the class materials, what strategies/activities do you think proved most […]
January 8, 2023

The fight for civil rights in the US and in the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa

In the fight for civil rights in the US and in the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, political organizers constantly struggled with the debate over non-violent […]
January 8, 2023

Apartheid in South Africa

      The fights for civil rights/the end of Jim Crow in the U.S. and for the end of apartheid in South Africa were not […]
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