January 11, 2023

The French and Indian War

            Describe the French and Indian War (part of the Seven Years War). What factors motivated the French, the British, and […]
January 11, 2023

Indentured servants and African slaves

          What were the similarities and differences between indentured servants and African slaves? How was slavery a fundamental part of colonial societies […]
January 11, 2023

European migration to the English/British colonies

            How did European migration to the English/British colonies change between the 1600s and the mid-1700s? What groups of Europeans tended […]
January 11, 2023

Plymouth colony

      Who initially established Plymouth colony? Why? How was it different from the Virginia colony?  
January 11, 2023

Indentured servants and African slaves

                    What were the similarities and differences between indentured servants and African slaves? How was slavery a […]
January 11, 2023

The Triangle Trade and Mercantilism.

          Describe the Triangle Trade and Mercantilism.  
January 11, 2023

The first permanent (surviving) English settlement in the New World

            What was the first permanent (surviving) English settlement in the New World? What was the major American Indian group that […]
January 10, 2023

The Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution changed the way people perceived the world around them. This shift in thought led to revolutions in pretty much every branch of science. […]
January 9, 2023

The outbreak of the Civil War

Discuss the major movements and events that led to the Civil War by evaluating how three major events (such as significant legislation, territorial conflicts, court cases, […]
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