June 24, 2021

People v. Lewis

Prosecutions for homicides that arise out of passive misconduct have their own special problems. Passive misconduct involves failure to take action when such action is needed […]
June 24, 2021

People v. Lewis

Prosecutions for homicides that arise out of passive misconduct have their own special problems. Passive misconduct involves failure to take action when such action is needed […]
June 23, 2021

Criminal Case Brief

For this assignment, you will research a case and present and present a summary of your findings as a case brief. Read the following case: https://public-fastcase-com.ezproxy.rasmussen.edu/ppbqSQpNDaJE%2F8PlIk0b8INVXWu44RTQIt9zscInYwSQxn%2BfK61%2F8gnSIAbAnpaW(State […]
June 23, 2021

Security features that are usually considered the first line of defense

Access controls are security features that are usually considered the first line of defense in asset protection. They are used to dictate how subjects access objects, […]
June 22, 2021

Transnational criminal street gangs

Many transnational criminal street gangs that ICE/HSI has traditionally had success targeting are evolving in an important way: second and even third generation gang members are […]
June 21, 2021

Foundations of corrections

  Discuss the following: Discuss whether mandatory sentencing options should exist for most crimes, or whether judges should be allowed to use their discretion. Explain. In […]
June 21, 2021

Criminal investigation the art and the science

Discuss ways in which the media have affected our perceptions of criminal investigation. Explain how our English heritage affected the beginnings of criminal investigation in America. […]
June 21, 2021

Violent crimes

You will form groups of 2 or 3. Using one of the following topics, you will find literature, create one or more hypotheses, and then propose […]
June 20, 2021


You are a member of the Crime Scene Response Unit (CSRU) at Metro City Police Department. The unit manager just assembled the team for a briefing […]
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