May 16, 2021

Marketing questions

  1) We are living in a global world. Elaborate on how this course (IB 175) has helped prepare you in the global business arena. Include […]
May 13, 2021

Publicly traded manufacturing or merchandising company.

  Select any publicly traded manufacturing or merchandising company. Visit the company’s website, and locate their SEC filings, in particular their 10-K. These filings will include […]
May 13, 2021

Publicly traded manufacturing or merchandising company.

  Select any publicly traded manufacturing or merchandising company. Visit the company’s website, and locate their SEC filings, in particular their 10-K. These filings will include […]
May 11, 2021

Steps necessary to conduct marketing research

The final assignment is a paper that describes each of the steps necessary to conduct marketing research based on a specific marketing research problem. Choose a […]
May 11, 2021

Steps necessary to conduct marketing research

The final assignment is a paper that describes each of the steps necessary to conduct marketing research based on a specific marketing research problem. Choose a […]
May 9, 2021

“The expansion strategies specify entering or gaining access to a new market.”

  . According to the text, “the expansion strategies specify entering or gaining access to a new market.” Select an Expansion of Scope strategy. Define it […]
May 9, 2021

“The expansion strategies specify entering or gaining access to a new market.”

  . According to the text, “the expansion strategies specify entering or gaining access to a new market.” Select an Expansion of Scope strategy. Define it […]
May 9, 2021

Cloud based office productivity PowerPoint and Venn diagram

  Write a 1 page summary Create a matrix comparing five features of presentation software. Using these five features, compare two presentation programs. Include a brief […]
May 9, 2021

Cloud based office productivity PowerPoint and Venn diagram

  Write a 1 page summary Create a matrix comparing five features of presentation software. Using these five features, compare two presentation programs. Include a brief […]
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