May 27, 2021

Endocrine Discussion

    1. Discuss the pathophysiologic difference between diabetes mellitus type 1 and diabetes mellitus type 2. 2. Describe the role of insulin in the metabolism […]
May 27, 2021

The human heart

The human heart beats an estimated 2.0-2.5 billion times in a lifetime. Unlike the brain, which requires a constant feed of glucose to satisfy its energy […]
May 27, 2021

Gene drives

What Do You Think About Gene Drives?Now that you’ve learned a bit about mosquitoes as vectors and the potential of genes drives, it’s time to take […]
May 26, 2021

Stem Cells

Discuss current or possible treatments that are being developed using stem cells or stem cell research.Discuss how scientists are using stem cells in their research and […]
May 25, 2021

Vertebrate Concept Map

Construct a concept map that illustrates the major characteristics (structure/function, terrestrial/aquatic, etc.) ofthe animal taxa within the Subphylum Vertebrata (Fish (this taxonomic group includes multiple classes),Amphibia, […]
May 24, 2021

Sex and Your Body

What main parts and functions of the male and female anatomy?Besides chromosomes, how do males and females perceive themselves to be male or female?How are male […]
May 24, 2021


    What are leucocytes? What are the different types? Discuss each briefly. How are they alike? How are they different? Which are involved in innate […]
May 23, 2021

Creating your own neuron

Look around your house for materials. Use whatever you can find to create your own neuron. Your neuron needs to include a cell body, dendrites, myelin […]
May 23, 2021

Creating your own neuron

Look around your house for materials. Use whatever you can find to create your own neuron. Your neuron needs to include a cell body, dendrites, myelin […]
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