June 6, 2021

An increase in human capital and GPD

  How can an increase in human capital lead to an increase in GDP? Why might it not lead to an increase in GDP? What are […]
May 31, 2021

Macro economic theory

  What are the inside lag and the outside lag? Which has the longer inside lag—monetary or fiscal policy? Which has the longer outside lag? Why? […]
May 31, 2021

Macro economic theory

  What are the inside lag and the outside lag? Which has the longer inside lag—monetary or fiscal policy? Which has the longer outside lag? Why? […]
May 31, 2021

Measurement of the government budget deficit.

    Describe four problems affecting measurement of the government budget deficit. According to the traditional view of government debt, how does a debt-financed tax cut […]
May 31, 2021

Measurement of the government budget deficit.

    Describe four problems affecting measurement of the government budget deficit. According to the traditional view of government debt, how does a debt-financed tax cut […]
May 31, 2021

How Oil curse influence Political regime.

  How oil curse influence political regime. You have to take countries as an observation and find independent variables etc. For example Norway, Azerbaijan etc. Please […]
May 31, 2021

How Oil curse influence Political regime.

  How oil curse influence political regime. You have to take countries as an observation and find independent variables etc. For example Norway, Azerbaijan etc. Please […]
May 30, 2021

Long-term and short-term economic growth

    Go to the internet and find a news article(s) published within the last month that discusses U.S. short-term and long-term economic growth, summarize key […]
May 30, 2021

Long-term and short-term economic growth

    Go to the internet and find a news article(s) published within the last month that discusses U.S. short-term and long-term economic growth, summarize key […]
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