March 26, 2021

International protection predicament of persons displaced by conflict

  Can the international protection predicament of persons displaced by conflict be properly addressed by international refugee law?
March 26, 2021

How social media influence language acquisition in children

How does social media influence language acquisition in children aged between 10-15 years?
March 26, 2021

Far East Trading Company

    (Source/ Cases in International Finance pp.136-145) Background International business can lead an active company into many complex areas of management. Investment in a number […]
March 26, 2021

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Creating a journey map is an excellent way to visualize the process and stages of user interaction of services and understanding user’s experience. Create a journey […]
March 26, 2021

Supply Chain Management: Being Green

    CO7: Compare the relationship between technology and innovation in sustainable business. CO8: Develop a plan to address the political, regulatory, or technology environments that […]
March 25, 2021

“I Know and Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly”

  Parent/Caregiver outlines the shape of one of the creatures in “I Know and Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly” (e.g., spider) on a large piece […]
March 25, 2021

Fashion marketing affects customers negatively

  To what extent does fast fashion marketing affects customers negatively in preserving a more sustainable consumer behaviour?  
March 25, 2021

How Covid-19 affected the wellbeing of students

  How has Covid-19 affected the wellbeing of students? A thematic analysis into how media articles portrays student wellbeing
March 25, 2021

Transpose Farfeth’s business plan to other fields such as cosmetics

  Is it possible to transpose Farfeth’s business plan to other fields such as cosmetics?
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