April 16, 2021

Managing an ethical police department

  Managing an ethical police department can be a difficult challenge. As you have seen, the criminal justice field often presents situations that would appear to […]
April 16, 2021

Ethical for detectives to deliberately use deception during an interrogation

  Is it ethical for detectives to deliberately use deception during an interrogation? The Supreme Court has ruled that deceptions are legal, but are they ethical? […]
April 16, 2021

Ethical management of these issues inform your thinking about your future workplace behavior

  How does reflecting about the ethical management of these issues inform your thinking about your future workplace behaviour? ❖ How might you change your behaviour […]
April 16, 2021

“US Triumphalism and Peacetime Colonialism”

1. In our textbook, what happens in the chapter, “US Triumphalism and Peacetime Colonialism”? What quote/section stood out to you most, and what connections did you […]
April 16, 2021

Company Management

    The owner of the company that makes Glooey Glue, Mr. Big, has come to you for advice. A customer in New York City, Mary […]
April 16, 2021

Correlation between stock and bond returns

    1. Compute the rolling correlation between stock returns and bond returns by setting window interval 2. Describe the correlation pattern and provide potential explanations. […]
April 16, 2021

Firms in Our Macroeconomy

    Choose a real-life example of an oligopolistic market structure in the U.S. Identify how your firm has been impacted by our macroeconomy. Determine if […]
April 15, 2021

Characteristics influencing effectiveness of the team.

    Analyze how team characteristics, composition, competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills, and abilities or KSAs), and communication can influence the effectiveness of the team.  
April 15, 2021


  Critically discuss the potential benefits of using blockchains and smart contracts to protect and manage intellectual property.
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