April 29, 2021

Waste management

  Research waste in your area. How does your city, town, or state manage waste? Document your sources. Create an informational brochure to hand out at […]
April 29, 2021

Plate Tectonics pet

  1.Explain  why scientist rejected Wegner’s theory of continental drift. 2. Explain why coal deposits found on Antarctica support the theory of continental drift.
April 29, 2021

Global Warming

  1-Describe radiometric dating and discuss three prerequisites that must be met in order to obtain a reliable radiometric date on a granite batholith. What are […]
April 29, 2021


  In preparation for Topic 1 DQ 2, watch one of the following movies in order to share your observations. Further prepare for this activity by […]
April 29, 2021

Impact of deforestation of a rainforest or other forest of your choice to the planet’s atmosphere and wildlife

Write essay on Impact of deforestation of a rainforest or other forest of your choice to the planet’s atmosphere and wildlife     How we know […]
April 29, 2021

A MINERAL or a ROCK that has some economic value

  Select either a MINERAL or a ROCK that has some economic value, practical use, or a harmful or beneficial effect. Create a discussion thread with […]
April 29, 2021

“Dutch Disease” in terms of Russia’s Economic Development

  “Dutch Disease” in terms of Russia’s Economic Development. Examine how Dutch Disease has led to development or “misdevelopment” of Russia’s Economy.
April 29, 2021

Energy source influences the environment.

  Explain how your energy source influences the environment. What makes your energy source unique. Explain possible limitations of using your chosen resource. Explain when and […]
April 29, 2021

Volcanic Material Identification

What are they? Earthquake: includes ground rupture/faulting, liquefaction, strong shaking, and tsunami Mass wasting: includes seismically-triggered landslides, debris flows, mud flows, and rock falls Flooding How serious […]
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