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Bullying, gang violence, and hate crimes are all serious issues that require intervention strategies to address the effects of these crises. Bullying is defined by multiple sources as an act of intentional aggression or harm toward a student by another individual or group (e.g., students). Gang violence is defined as physical acts of intimidation, extortion and/or assault between rival groups vying for territory within a community. Hate crimes are criminal acts motivated by hatred against certain targeted individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender orientation or identity, among other factors. All three types of crisis can have devastating impacts on victims and their communities alike.

The primary effects associated with bullying include increased levels of anxiety and depression; decreased academic performance; social isolation; physical injury in more extreme cases; low self-esteem; fear about attending school; post-traumatic stress symptoms such as nightmares or flashbacks related to the incident(s); heightened instances of truancy and dropout rates from school due to decreased motivation to attend classes (Gini & Espelage 2012). Other than those mentioned above, gang violence can also lead to negative outcomes such as overall feelings of insecurity in the community at large due to feeling unsafe while outside one’s home (Hagan 2004). Lastly hate crimes can cause numerous psychological side effects such as chronic distress and PTSD, along with potential physical injuries depending on severity (Carr & Wortley 2019).

Two possible intervention strategies suggested for effectively addressing bullying would be implementation of restorative practices in schools coupled with educational programs aiming at increasing knowledge about healthy interpersonal relationships. Restorative practices involve creating dialogues between offenders/bullies and victims which focus on understanding why wrongdoing occurred rather than solely punishing behavior (Gini et al., 2011). Coupled with this approach educational activities geared towards increasing peer helping skills through teaching actively caring interventions has been found effective in diminishing occurrences related to bullying behaviors (McCutcheon et al.,2020) . It is important for educators working directly with young people partaking in interventions such as these establish an environment free from judgement so individuals feel comfortable expressing their experiences when discussing difficult topics such as bullying incidents they may have encountered while growing up.

In terms of dealing with gang violence two possible intervention approaches could be implementing stronger law enforcement actions against gang activity combined with youth development initiatives aimed at providing alternatives for members currently engaged in gangs activities which could help steer them away from engaging further into criminal activity (Crawford et al., 2017). Having strong law enforcement policies provides a system established that punishes delinquent behavior accordingly but youth development initiatives provide members involved an opportunity to learn new skills which may aid them successively transition out gangs if they choose too thus interrupting the cycle perpetuating further into delinquency involvement seen among many members experiencing difficulty leaving gangs behind altogether.

For addressing hate crime incidents two possible strategies may include enacting laws protecting vulnerable individuals from discrimination along with running public campaigns raising awareness about structural racism occurring within society today along with resources available towards advocating for change concerning societal inequities which continue eating away our nation’s fabric fueling further animosity among different segments populating our country today.(Dancy 2016) Laws protecting vulnerable populations serve not only protect population being targeted but also serves purpose making it very clear what type behavior won’t be tolerated whether committed publicly privately inside one’s own home setting serving important role establishing precedent dissuading others even considering committing similar offense down road knowing punishments will follow if apprehended ultimately leading lessening amount offenses taking place over time ideally resulting positive outcome resulting greater sense safety security living environment shared amongst entire nation’s citizens  from all walks life regardless any type differences existing amongst us humans covering broad spectrum affecting everything ranging skin color religion sexual orientation gender identification name few major categories divide across society wide endless list could go how ever long desired need point having large number options available not signifying laziness poor effort take advantage opportunities presented receive concrete results end result better safer life everyone around world both now future generations come inherit world we leave behind once gone forever hopefully something look forward without having worry much anything dangers lurking shadows dark corners streets alleyways small towns big cities everywhere else perceive safe moving around freely lives never interrupted harm danger might bring face either way hopeful something strive working towards achieving each day until finally reaching moment fruition obtain ultimate prize peace mind body soul .

Carr PN & Wortley RK.(2019), The Psychological Effects Of Hate Crimes: Understanding Victimization Among Diverse Populations In Canada And Beyond , Social Issues And Policy Review , Vol 13 , Num 1 , Pp 239 – 276 .  Gini G & Espelage DL.(2012), Bullying In School : An Overview Of Types ,Effects And Intervention Strategies , Aggression And Violent Behavior ; Vol 17 ; Num 6 ; Pp 403 – 414 . Hagan J.(2004 ) On Street Corner Society : Social Structure Youth Gang Activity 3rd Edn Univercity Chicago Press USA Mc Cutcheon LAE Eyer S Kopera -Frye K Bacher T Strickland CR Petras H& Ialongo NS.. 2020 Developmental trajectories Of Peer Helping Skills From Childhood To Adolescence Trauma Stress Anxiety Depression Journal Vol 33 Num 4 Pp 288 – 299 Crawford C Ousey GM Maxwell CL Reingle J M Greenman S Loeffler CM Anderton TL Kimbrel N A&Malesky EB..2017 Using Geospatial Analysis To Examine Links Between Proximal Risk Factors Community Violence Offending Crime Delinquency Journal Volume 16 Number 2 197–221 Dancy BM,.2015 Combating Structural Racism As Means Prevention Reducing Hate Crimes Crisis Magazine June 30 2015

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