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Yes, a person can be sexually fluid. This means that they may not identify with or have the same level of attraction to one gender as they did in the past, which can change over time. There is scientific evidence to back this up and it has become more widely accepted and discussed in recent years.

One key study was done by researchers at Northwestern University who surveyed 369 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual individuals between 16-20 years old between 2010-2017 (Savin-Williams & Ream, 2017). They were asked about their sexual attractions on a 6-point scale ranging 0 (exclusively attracted to people of the other gender) – 5 (exclusively attracted to people of their own gender). The results showed that only 14% reported exclusively homosexual/lesbian attractions while 48% reported mixed attractions and 38% reported exclusive heterosexual attractions. Furthermore, those who had “mixed” attractions were more likely than those with exclusively homosexual/lesbian orientations to report changing levels of attraction over time.

In addition to this study, other studies have demonstrated similar findings: A study conducted by Diamond et al., (2008) surveyed 79 nonheterosexuality women over an 8 year period from 1996-2004 found that all participants experienced changes in their sexual orientation identity during this time period for reasons such as life transitions or relationship changes; even though most still identified primarily as lesbian at the end of the study. Similarly in 2016 Savin Williams & Chivers also found that amongst 1119 participants there was evidence suggesting sexual orientations are dynamic rather than fixed across our lifetime; particularly amongst men who tended to report slight increases in heterosexual behavior throughout adulthood compared to women whose behaviors remained relatively stable during adulthood.

These studies demonstrate that although most people have defined orientations either strongly towards one side or another majority experience fluctuations within these identities due to various life events such as interpersonal relationships or life transitions.. As attitudes around sexuality become less stigmatized we should continue see greater acceptance of various diverse experiences when it comes sexuality allowing us better understand its complexities.

Diamond L M et al., 2008 ‘Longitudinal Patterns Of Same Sex Sexual Attraction In Adolescence And Young Adulthood’, Archives Of Sexual Behavior 37(4): 708–722

Savin Williams R C & Chivers M L 2016 ‘Sexual Orientation Identity Change Among Gender Nonconforming Men: An Exploratory Study’, Archives Of Sexual Behaviour 45(1): 101 – 112 https://doi:10 10 07/s10508 015 0482 9

Savin Williams R C & Ream G2018 ‘The Fluid Nature Of Female Same Sex Attractions From Early To Late Adolescence’ Developmental Psychology 54(3): 716–725 https://doi org/10 1207/s15327 649dp54 03 11

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