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The Attraction-Selection-Attrition framework is a model that looks at the recruitment process from end to end. The three stages are:

1. Attraction – This is where you attract potential applicants for roles within your organization. This can be through advertising, job fairs, word of mouth, and other marketing measures. You want to create an attractive environment and message around working in your organization so candidates will consider applying for roles with you.

2. Selection – This stage involves selecting the right applicants by assessing their skills, abilities, qualifications and suitability for the position they have applied for. At this stage it’s important to develop effective processes to identify qualified individuals who best meet the criteria set out in each role description.

3. Attrition – Once selected, you must retain talented new hires who are best suited for their positions over time by providing good wages and benefits packages that encourage them to stay with your company long term. Retaining a high quality workforce helps ensure that your business runs smoothly over time and reduces costs associated with frequent employee turnover rates or training new staff members all of the time; this phase of attraction selection attrition focuses on keeping employees engaged in order to maximize return on investment from hiring them initially (ROI.)

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