Reflect on the worldview of how family, friends, and others see you. Think about the historical markers that influenced your life perspective. Think about your religious or other belief systems. Review the extent to which others with diverse ideas and beliefs were a part of your life experience. As you journal these thoughts, how do they affect your emotional intelligence? What role can a mentor and continuing education play in advancing your life perspective? Which of the characteristics of emotional intelligence is the most developed and which is the least developed? How might you further enhance your emotional intelligence?
Critical Analysis: Presents an exemplary articulation and insightful analysis. Offers detailed and specific examples for all questions. Makes keen observations, making note of essential information. Ideas are professionally sound and creative; they are supported by scientific evidence that is credible and timely. Draws insightful and comprehensive conclusions and solutions.
Content: Makes insightful, clear and accurate connections to key concepts and relevant theories. Response indicates a comprehensive, high-level understanding of the concepts.