Sample Solution

1. Pathfinding: Pathfinding is a technique used to enable game characters and objects to move from one point in the game environment to another in an intelligent way. Pathfinding relies on AI algorithms such as A* (A-star), Dijkstra, or Floyd-Warshall, which help the computer figure out the most efficient route between any two points.

2.Behavior trees: Behavior trees are artificial intelligence systems that allow designers to provide scripts for complex behaviors within games without relying on code scripting by hand. It enables AI driven entities to respond spontaneously and flexibly in a wide range of situations throughout a game experience.

3.Navigation meshes: This AI feature allows non-player characters (NPCs) or other objects in the gaming world to move around autonomously within their environment using predefined paths or routes, allowing them to traverse certain areas while avoiding obstacles and hazards that may be present along their path.

4. Tactile reasoning: Tactile reasoning helps NPCs make informed decisions about how they should interact with their virtual environment, according to their own set of rules and criteria based on what it senses from its surrounding area . For instance, if a character is trying to cross a river but there’s no bridge nearby, it might opt for swimming instead due to its pre-defined tactile reasoning algorithm that suggests this option when faced with such situation .

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