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Case Scenario: James was referred for a Sex Offender Specific Risk Assessment after engaging in prostitution activities listed on Craigslist.

James’s behavior is both criminal and deviant in nature. His activities were in violation of the law, making it illegal, and thus considered to be criminal behavior. Also, because this type of behavior goes against accepted social norms and values, it can be labeled as deviant behavior.

The acceptance or rejection of this action by society has evolved over time due to changing cultural beliefs about sexuality. Historically speaking, societies have viewed any non-heterosexual sexual behaviors as being morally wrong or immoral; however, in more recent years there has been an increased acceptance of diverse sexual orientations within many parts of the world. This shift in attitudes can partially explain why such actions are more widely rejected today than they may have been several decades ago.

Cultural influences that might have an impact on the judgment of sexual behaviors from this scenario include religion and public opinion. Religion often sets forth certain moral codes about what is considered appropriate sexual conduct which can lead people to view certain types of sexual activity differently than others; meanwhile public opinion plays a large role in how people view certain types of behaviors since it helps shape societal attitudes towards different acts deemed “deviant” or “controversial” such as prostitution or homosexuality. Additionally, one’s level of education also shapes how they perceive sexually-related issues – those with higher levels are often more likely to embrace diversity within their own communities and beyond when considering matters related to sex or sexuality

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