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The artist in question is Banksy, a pseudonym of an anonymous British street artist active since the 1990s. His artwork has become widely known in urban areas around the world and is widely recognized as one of the most influential modern street artists. He is well-known by many for his use of dark humor to address contemporary social and political issues such as poverty, war, capitalism, immigration policy, freedom of expression and environmentalism through graffiti art installations. Banksy’s work has been compared to various movements including Dadaism due to its play with surrealist elements and its anti-establishment attitude. Additionally, Banksy’s style stands for culture jamming: By appropriating existing images and redefining them according to his own vision he questions power structures and promotes a critical view on society that shapes our understanding of public spaces (Gillham).

Banksy uses mimesis to comment on current events through his works that often have distinct messages about social or political topics. He utilizes bold colors along with stenciled images like rats or children playing in a harsh urban environment which critics consider “aesthetically pleasing yet socially charged” (Villaverde). The purpose of this technique is to draw attention to issues related to poverty, war or politics while also arousing an emotional response from viewers by using strong visuals that spark dialogue between spectators regarding class disparities amongst others (Villaverde). Furthermore, Banksy often incorporates simple but powerful symbols into his works like hearts or balloons which can be interpreted as metaphors for hope in difficult times. In addition he employs deconstruction techniques where he takes apart familiar objects such as newspapers or books and rearranges them into new forms that represent different meanings than their original use intended (Iverson). This serves both aesthetic purposes but also allows him to convey messages about societal relationships within our built environment. As well as being considered an important contributor in terms of culture jamming Banksy has been praised for creating public art pieces that bring attention towards certain subjects without necessarily taking sides; instead leaving it up to audiences who experience these works firsthand make up their minds based on what they see portrayed onto walls across cities worldwide.

Not only are there direct references made when talking about Banksy but also indirect ones pertaining mostly due identity construction theories which involve analyzing how people create themselves through self-expression whether it be physical appearance clothing preferences etcetera; something that could be said applies justly when assessing street artists such as himself (Milesi 373–374). Furthermore there exist abjection themes present throughout much if not all pieces by this now established artist; meaning they manifest feelings discomfort confusion even repulsion among viewers upon seeing scenes depicted within paintings/murals/installations usually consisting characters either representing figures living marginal lives forced into unnatural situations all while blending together motifs associated with chaos violence misfortune abandonment ultimately death itself making us all aware life fragility those whom do not possess privileged positions within power structures set forth governments corporations alike (Köksal 1–13). Notable examples include Girl With Balloon balloon recently shredded once sold Sotheby’s auction house London England October 5th 2018 another location Bristol England entitled Mild Mild West featuring police officers trashed splattered paint symbolizing hooliganism vandalism both occurrences garnering large amounts news media viral reactions internet users around globe shocking thousands because scale magnitude undertaken projects plus spontaneity nature behind each act artistic rebellion against conventions system lies beyond comprehension majority yet accepted applauded defiance having citizens everywhere think twice before buying products services massive corporations pushing agendas promoting values deemed unjust oppressive communities marginalized populations facing everyday offensives certain levels respect human rights .

One cannot mention aura when talking about any type work though particularly true case graffiti art installations created Banksy since they contain palpable subtleties hidden meanings directly conveyed observer thus adding complexity psychological factors come play every time someone decides interact item found wall door corner back alleyway loaded significance rooted cultural expressions beliefs aiming reflect truths societies represent wide range contexts able elicit appreciation admiration awe part knowledge stems crafted piece failed reach highest peaks conventional highly respected circles artistry still nonetheless accepted embraced form fame recognition having reached peak potential success despite lacking approval academic institutions galleries reputable collectors alike hence marking essential separation traditional commercialized qualities forever attached nomenclature .

Lastly we must consider notions male gaze understanding understand further implications behind genius contemporary muralist ours thanks insights provided countless researchers writers journalists historians chroniclers alike giving us good idea why exactly matters so much day age consists main points stated discuss beforehand showcasing skillful usage semiotic content discussion emerging topics trends evoking reactions responses changing perceptions collective consciousness eventually resulting desire continue emphasizing importance raising awareness particular causes prevailing conditions prevalent times reminding keep fighting fight strive betterment ourselves our planet future generations come similar conclusions previously mentioned identity construction theory male gaze concept directly correlated practice seen works performed renowned figure hinting definition masculinity especially linked notion surveillance protestation exercise control authority repressive forces quest find establish sense liberation whereby individuals groups subcultures achieve higher level freedom autonomy reconcile struggles brought normativization exclusionary systems perpetuated state agents influence dominant hierarchy taking support recent findings reinforcing previous remarks saying indeed banksys offers unique perspective visual representations open dialogue challenging status quo means appealing diverse array audiences varieties tastes perspectives genders sexualities possibly leading pathways better understanding needed order move forward today tomorrow .

In conclusion it should be noted that the influence Bansky holds over contemporary popular culture is undeniable although currently difficult quantify precisely basis presence felt world streets parks galleries squares neighborhoods however obscure might appear outside sources mainly media outlets spoken word praise granted fans followers critical acclaim attained heights comparable most acclaimed painters sculptors filmmakers photographers poets songwriters authors illustrators designers musicians fashion icons conjuring opinion someone whose actions past present serve uphold ideals justice peace equality inclusion fairness acceptance expounded aforementioned statements clearly demonstrate understood realized comprehended easily impact outcome elicited audiovisual performance carries message current happenings reflects draws inspiration personal experiences placing main focus deeper intrinsic values embedded within global platform ultimately striving connect people shared commonalities regardless differences noticeable away glance apparent merits clear cut obvious worthiness go unquestioned continues remain focus mainstream conscious affecting daily activities masses altering course history subtly influencing mindsets raise level consciousness promote humane actions moving right direction progressiveness purest form intelligence ingenuity shape shift thinking patterns existential crises faced humanity entirety span lifetime usher years unprecedented change enlightenment guaranteed brighter future lies beckoning horizon await arrival soonest possible moment bright horizons will stretch far beyond imagination thought imaginable limits unknown presently hopefully someday manifestation dreams believe tied togetherness cohesion belonging truly achievable possibility .

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