An article in Edutopia dated Apri1 12, 2019, detailed six essential strategy categories for teachers to use to address the needs of English Language Learners (or EL students). (Read the article at ). Select two of the six strategy categories (listed below): • Cultivate relationships • Teach language skills across the curriculum • Emphasize productive language (speaking and writing) • Speak slowly and increase wait time • Differentiate instruction using multiple modalities (writing, speaking, drawing, listening) • Incorporate student native language using technology to preview and review material in their home language From an administrative point of view, develop an action plan for training teachers that have an EL student in their classroom to utilize the two selected strategy categories. Justify the choices made and provide multiple examples of strategies the teacher can use to accomplish the goal of improving performance of EL students. Detail how teachers will demonstrate that they are implementing the strategies in their classroom. Be specific about how and when the training will take place. Include a minimum of two sources per category selected. Kaplan, E. (2019). Six essential strategies for teaching English language learners. Edutopia.