The topic is “A Quantitative Study about Student Athlete Burnout and Coach-Athlete Relationships.” Subtopic titles: Reducing the Risk of athlete burnout ( 5 pages) Exploration of Athlete Burnout (5 pages) This Subtopic sections must include: • Critically analyze (i.e., note the strengths and weaknesses) and synthesize (i.e., integrate) the existing research. Rather than reporting on each study independently, describe everything known on the topic by reviewing the entire body of work. • Present a balanced integrative critical review of the literature, ensuring all points of view are included. Cover all the important issues with a discussion of areas of convergence (i.e., agreement) and divergence (i.e., disagreement). Provide potential explanations for areas of divergence. • Address issues of authority, audience, and/or bias/point of view in the sources used. • Within each theme, topics are discussed from broad to narrow associated with the problem, purpose, research questions and associated concepts. Critically evaluated scholarly literature noting areas of convergence and divergence
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