Just the map and 1 paragraph, I realize the amount of workload that would go into a mind map so I labelled the project 5 pages instead
A mindmap is a way of visually showing the relationship between concepts. A good mindmap will do all of the following:
cover all of the content using key terms
show relationships and connections
use key visuals to reinforce understanding and aid memory
expand on the key terms with words and phrases that signify their meaning
The mindmap below provides all of the basics for creating good mindmaps. Notice that it starts in the centre and branches out. All lines are connected and all words are underlined. Key words and phrases are used, not sentences.
The Assignment
In order to show your understanding of the Cold War, you are going to create a mindmap depicting this period of history. Grab your learning guide, as it will come in handy.
A starting template has been provided here. You have several options to create your mindmap:
You can draw your mindmap by hand, starting with the template, either handing in a hard copy or scanning your final copy.
You can use a free online program such as SpiderScribe to create your mindmap. This will allow you to add links, documents and maps in addition to text and pictures.
You can use a word-processing program such as MS Word. You might want to check out the “Smart Art” feature. You can use a drawing program such as Google Draw or Sketchpad.
You must include:
At least eight key visuals (in addition to the Soviet flag included on the template, if you use it).
The following key terms plus at least ten of your own:
Cuban Missile Crisis
arms race
nuclear weapons
Marshall Plan
You must organize the terms in a way that shows the relationships and connections. Remember, in addition to the 24 key terms, you must connect significant words, phrases and images.
Finally, you will need to write a summary paragraph in which you explain the rationale behind how you chose to organize your mindmap.