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A small-town police department has recently been tasked with a new directive from the state government requiring increased enforcement of minor infractions. The chief of police believes that the department should focus their efforts on serious and violent crimes, while some of the officers in the department want to follow this directive and make arrests for minor offenses.

Characteristics of Conflict: This is a conflict between two different perceptions on how resources should be allocated. The chief wants to prioritize serious and violent crimes while some officers disagree as they feel it is important to enforce all laws, even those that are considered minor offenses

Type of Conflict: This scenario involves intergroup conflicts due to differences in opinion between members within an organization. It also deals with power struggles between officers who may feel they have authority over other members or departments within the organization.

Conflict Management Possible? Yes, conflict management is possible in this scenario through communication, collaboration and compromise among members of the organization. This could include having discussions about approaching law enforcement from multiple perspectives and finding common ground where both sides can agree upon tactics for enforcement that satisfy everyone involved.

Potential Solutions: One potential solution would be to allow officers more autonomy when deciding which laws need enforcing depending on context/situation at hand; another solution could involve creating teams composed of both senior staff (who believe priorities should remain focused on more serious/violent crimes) and junior staff (who believe all laws should be enforced) who work together to determine how best each individual case should be approached; finally, another potential solution could involve providing additional training or education so that all team members understand why certain tactics are chosen over others when dealing with different types of crime scenarios.

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