Below is a case study to conduct. There must be included some of the resources that I will send you.
Additionally, any resources that you use, must be reliable resources from the last 5 years’ time. You must write
this professionally with good grammar and in proper English terminology. There are 4 questions to answer
based on the case study.
A 75-year-old man was admitted with shortness of breath and lower extremity edema. He has been unwell for
about a week and had multiple bouts of diarrhea over the previous 5 days. He does not take any medications.
He was hyperventilating and was very distressed when EMS arrived. Admission arterial blood gas is listed
below. He was on high concentration oxygen by mask on arrival to the emergency department.
Chemistry Results
• Na+ = 127
• HCO3- 20
• HCO- = 30meq/L 3
• K+ = 5.2
• BUN 50.5
• Glucose 9.5 mmols/l
• Cl- 79
• Creatinine 0.38
• Anion gap 33 mmols/l
Arterial Blood Gases
• pH 7.58
• pCO2 21 mmHg
• pO2 154 mmHg
• HCO3 19 mmol/l
Answer the Following Questions:
1. What is this patient’s acid-base disorder?
2. Discuss why you how you came to that conclusion.
3. Is the patient compensating?
4. What are the pathophysiological responses that the body is attempting to use to compensate?
This is a series of 8 videos that we have watched. Great information about calculating the anion gap which
must be discussed.
Read Chapters 3 and 49-50 in Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children.