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Odysseus remained with Circe for a year because it was the only way to ensure his safe passage home. After consulting with the goddess Teiresias, Odysseus learned that in order to return safely home he would have to first appease the god of the sea. The god of the sea had already been angered by Odysseus’s actions and demanded a price before allowing him and his crew safe passage. Initially Circe offered her assistance in soothing this wrath, however she soon revealed that she could not do so alone and requested that Odysseus remain on her island for a full year before attempting to set sail again.

Since Odysseus was desperate to return home after his long voyage, he begrudgingly agreed and thus spent an entire year living on Circe’s island under her spell. During this time, Circe provided all of their needs from food and shelter to entertainment through feasting and singing; although all were under the influence of her magical powers. Eventually it became clear that if Odysseus wanted any chance at reaching Ithaca he would have no choice but abide by Circes request; thus spending one more year away from family before being able to finally reclaim what is rightfully his.

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