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The Mnemonics in Psychiatric Mental Health Care article provides 32 aids to psychiatric diagnosis that can be used as mnemonics or memory tools for nurses and other health care professionals. These mnemonic tools include acronyms, rhymes, stories, songs, quote or phrases that are effective methods of recall when diagnosing a patient. For example, the acronym BEAMS (Biological-Environmental-Affective-Mental Status-Social) is an aid for assessing the mental status assessment of patients. I plan to utilize these menuemonic tools in my practice by committing them to memory and using them during assessments as reminders while I assess various components of a patient’s condition such as their mental state.

I have definitely utilized some helpful mnemonic tools in my nursing career such as “ABCs” (Airway Breathing Circulation), which stands for the priorities set forth when treating a patient with any type of medical emergency. Additionally, “Every Good Boy Does Fine” is another useful tool to remember how staff should position themselves during chest compressions—Elbow locked at 90 degrees over the lower third of sternum and hands on the same line.

Other tips that are helpful to me in clinical practice for retaining information include utilizing flashcards or writing out pertinent information repeatedly until it sticks; referring back to notes or textbooks regularly; listening attentively during lectures and asking questions if needed; and summarizing key points after reading an article or lecture material. It is also important take breaks from studying so that new knowledge can become more prominent within our minds due to increased rest periods throughout memorization sessions. Finally, incorporating visual cues with written words allows us to better retain new material due to less cognitive load being placed on our brains when recalling information from both sources simultaneously.

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