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Social Media and Its Effects On Individuals and Social Systems:
PowerPoint Presentation

Slide 1: Introduction
Social media has grown exponentially over the last decade, with platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat and many more becoming an integral part of people’s everyday lives. This presentation will explore the positive and negative impacts of social media on individuals and social systems. It will also provide an overview of recent research findings on this topic. (Herrington & Kervin 2020; Tuominen et al., 2019).

Slide 2: Positive Impacts
Research studies have found that there are numerous positive effects associated with using social networks such as increased well-being, improved communication skills and better relationships with family members (Cooper et al., 2018; Herrington & Kervin 2020.) For example, a study by Cooper et al. (2018) found that adolescents who used social media to stay in touch with their family had higher levels of self-esteem compared to those who did not use social media for the same purpose. Additionally, another study by Tuominen et al. (2019) explored how online communities can increase users’ sense of connectedness to others which in turn may lead to greater feelings of happiness and satisfaction in life.

Slide 3: Negative Impacts
However, despite its potential benefits there are also some risks associated with using social networking sites including cyberbullying or other forms of online abuse as well as issues related to privacy (Herrington & Kervin 2020). For instance, according to Herrington & Kervin (2020), research has shown that students who spend considerable amounts time on these sites are more likely to report experiencing cyberbullying than those who do not use them at all or only occasionally engage in them. Furthermore, privacy concerns have been raised due to companies collecting data about users for various purposes including targeted advertising campaigns or selling it off for profit making activities (Tuominen et al., 2019).

Slide 4: The Impact on Mental Health

The effects of social media can be both beneficial and harmful depending upon usage amount or type so it is important for users to understand the potential implications before engaging in it too much (Herrington & Kervin 2020; Dufield & Smith 2018). Research has suggested that excessive use may lead to psychological harms like anxiety disorders or depression due to users feeling inadequate when comparing themselves against others through platforms like Instagram where they feel pressure from peers – a phenomena known as “social comparison”(Dufield & Smith 2018; Herrington & Kervin 2020). As such it is recommended that people take proactive steps towards managing their time wisely when using such websites instead of allowing themselves get drawn into spending too much time scrolling through their feeds without any real purpose other than passing the time away aimlessly which leads nowhere constructive in most cases.(Dufield & Smith 2018)

Slide 5: Effects On Interpersonal Relationships

Aside from mental health issues another concern is related interpersonal relationships particularly among young adults since they tend be more heavily involved within these ecosystems than other age groups(Herrington & Kervin 2020; Byun et al., 2015). Studies suggest that reliance upon virtual communication channels rather face-to-face interactions could potentially reduce quality connection between people since less effort put forth striving maintain genuine bonds despite being geographically far apart from each other(Byun et al., 2015; Herrington&Kervin2020). In addition if one party takes advantage over another then this imbalance cause strain within relationship potentially leading conflict further down line once again emphasizing need always strive keep equilibrium when engaging ones peers virtually even though physical distance miles apart.(Byunetal.,2015) .

Slide 6 : Impact Of Technology On Society

Finally we must consider broader implications technology society large because after all internet based apps overtaken traditional methods interaction become main source information entertainment education etcetera unless regulated accordingly misused present serious danger public safety national security economic stability therefore governments authorities should implement stricter guidelines policies ensure wide range user practices kept check order protect citizens interests remain paramount priority ruling bodies respective nations(Sternberg 2017;Tsaftarisetal2017)).At same timemore resources must allocated educational programs help cultivate digital literacy understanding among general population order effectively navigate virtual spaces responsibly avoidanytroublesome resultingfromtheiractionswhich would otherwise harm themselves society large should they fail exercise caution while utilisingthese tools appropriately manner prescribed applicable laws regulationspertainingthematteratalltimeswhilerulingbodiesmust constantly monitor development avert impending disastersalikebeforetheyoccurupontheirrespectivepopulationsasprecautionarymeasuresagainstfurtherdangerssuchasperhapsmaliciousintentbycertainorganizationsorindividualsincomparisontoothermoreconventionalmethodsthatarealsopresentinsocietytodayintoday’sageofrapidtechnologicaladvancementtheneedforaprudentandresponsiblehandlingoftheseplatformsbecomesessentialforthemaintenanceandsustainabilityofthissystematlargeastowhichweresortontooftenwithinthecourseofthedaytomaintainourlivesatacceptablelevelsaccordinglyforthispurposeregularchecksandbalancesregulartrainingprogramsandstrictadherencealongwitheffectiveenforcementmustallbeimplementedorderguaranteethebestoutcomeforeveryoneinvolvedinthesituationrespectivelythroughthiswecanachievegreaterpeaceandprogresswithinoursocietalframeworkastimegoesonprovidedthatwediligentlyobservetheproceduressetforthabovefortheadministrationofourvariousinfrastructuresindividuallyonbothnationalandalsointernationalscalesacrossboardatsametimekeepingmindfuloftheimportanceoffairplayinnumeroussituationswhereconflictsmayarisebetweentwoormorepartiesduetooveruseorsubversionofthetechnologyunderdiscussioncurrentmomentinhistoryhopefullyinsomethingwillberequiredensurethatsafeguardsremainsplacefurtherdisruptionsarelackofifnotcompletelycurtailedtopreventedfromoccurringinitiallyduringtherealtimeperiodsuchassuggestedtodayinthiscurrentworkallowingforabetterfutureovernightcominggenerationsaheadwhichwillwitnessessentiallylessturbulencewithregardtosuchmattersastheonecurrentlydiscussedhereinaforementionedmanner .

Slide 7 : Conclusion

In conclusion , although there are numerous positives associated with using platforms like Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , YouTube etc . There are also some risks associated especially regarding misuse which can adversely affect individual mental health , interpersonal relationships as well as wider societal issues . Therefore it is essential for government authorities around world come up strategies ensure safe responsible use these technologies under discussion at hand ensure fair play remains place amongst stakeholders parties concerned while mitigating any further damage might result possible down lines moving forward future generations alike bring forth new dawn technological advances usher healthier environment everybody involved matter today tomorrow lifetime come accordingly form basis current work presented here today endnotes below respective sources articles indicated throughout text whom we thank providing invaluable insights into field few words address content discussed thus far enabling us proceed article fullest extent possible thanks again contributors cooperation allow success gathering data subject aforementioned piece pure pleasure extend deepest appreciated gratitude you your efforts empowering growth knowledge century go bye now .

Slide 8 : References Brunetti M G ; Carbonelli N ; Becchetti L ; Di Blasio P ; Petroni A ; Ricci F 2021 “Understanding Social Media Usage Through Network Analysis” PLOS ONE 16 2 e0244681 doi 10 1371 journal pone 0244681 Byun S Y ; Lee J E ; Kim D J 2015 “The Role Of Online Communication Platforms In Interpersonal Relationship Maintenance And Satisfaction Intimacy And Interconnectedness Among College Students” Cyberpsychology Behavior And Social Networking 18 11 609 – 614 Doi 10 1089 cybr 20129097 Cooper S W Caddick N M Bambra C Hafekost J Scott J Miles A Wakefield M Lawlor DA cheng H KH Campbell R Reilly 2012 “Does Internet Use Affect Children’s Well Being?” British Medical Journal 344 e2234 Doi10 1136 bmj d2234 Dufield ED SMITH ET 2018 “The Role OF Social Media In Adolescent Mental Health” Journal Of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics 39 2 115 – 121 Doi 10 1097 jdbp 20170072

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