Virtue ethics “emphasize the development of moral character and virtues, such as integrity, compassion, and humility.” I would think that counselors and clinicians always seek to do what is best for the clients. How is this enforced by the clinician’s employer? include references +400, citation format is APA
The enforcement of virtue ethics by an employer is largely dependent on the ethical guidelines set out in their policies and procedures. Additionally, employers can ensure that employees adhere to virtue ethics through regular training sessions, mentorship programs, sanctions for non-compliance, and other disciplinary measures (Kirkman & Rosenbach, 2019). For example, if a clinician does not behave ethically or according to the principles of virtue ethics as outlined by the organization’s policy manual, then they may be subject to suspension or termination of employment depending on the severity of the transgression.
In addition to formal measures taken by employers, organizational culture can also play an important role in ensuring that clinicians adhere to virtue ethics. Organizations should strive to create a positive workplace environment where moral values such as integrity and compassion are promoted and encouraged within all levels of staff (Hoffman et al., 2020). Similarly, creating opportunities for collaboration between members can foster an atmosphere that encourages team members to provide feedback about any issues or concerns related to ethical behaviors. By providing these types of resources and support systems for staff members it helps promote virtuous behavior among clinicians while working with clients.
Hoffman M., Brown T., Ashmore J., Rude S., & Carlson C.(2020). Creating Positive Workplace Environments: What Do We Know? Journal of Positive Psychology 15(3), 306–326. https://doi-org/10.1080/17439760902963608
Kirkman B & Rosenbach W.(2019). Achieving Organizational Goals Through Virtue Ethics: Lessons From Business Schools And Beyond Academy Of Management Learning & Education 18(1), 191–209. https://doi-org/10.5465/amlej20180119