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The WH Framework chart created from the given scenario involves Steven J. Trzaska, head of L’Oreal USA’s regional patent team, considers a number of stakeholders. These include customers, employees, shareholders and board directors of the company, external advisors and regulatory authorities. When making decisions or taking actions relevant to the company’s operations, these stakeholders should be taken into account in order to ensure that all interests are served fairly and appropriately.

The guidelines chosen for this particular scenario were based on the core values of L’Oreal stated in Exhibit 2.3 as well as considering what would be essential for supporting proper business decision-making. The key values selected included integrity and trustworthiness; respectfulness towards people; valuing excellence while also reaching goals; responding positively to change; striving to achieve success through collaboration; acting responsibly with regard to safety and health regulations; promoting ethical standards in global operations; honoring corporate diversity: upholding commitment to sustainability measures applicable within their business operations worldwide.

In terms of the stakeholders involved with this situation represented by Traszka and management at L’Oreal USA, it was necessary for them to cater towards customers first and foremost as one of their primary duties is ensuring customer satisfaction along with product quality assurance which serves to foster brand loyalty amongst consumers over time. Additionally, it is important for them to take employee considerations into account since it affects not only how they view but also interact with each other internally but also how they are perceived externally when dealing with customers or prospective clients etc.. It was also crucial that they choose certain values such as integrity & trustworthiness when making decisions or taking action because if these aren’t adhered too then there could potentially be serious repercussions in terms of legal liability issues depending on which jurisdiction you operate within internationally speaking where laws may differ greatly compared those established domestically within US itself (e.g., GDPR). Moreover respecting people by recognizing everyone’s unique worth regardless age gender race etc.. was another value which needed be prioritized allow new ideas come forth innovation thrive at same time maintaining high industry standards regards safety health regulations preventing any possible future lawsuits similar nature related incidents workplace harassment etc.. Lastly emphasizing importance corporate diversity creating environment increases trust among workers leads better collaborative efforts ultimately pushing organization forward direction growth prosperity while simultaneously reducing chances any sort discrimination against members belonging certain ethnic groups religious backgrounds etc…

The WH Framework helped analyze this situation by allowing us develop an organized approach understanding various aspects relevant it including different stakeholders’ needs requirements along core values form basis decision-making process (i.e., integrity trustworthiness positive response change responsible action regarding safety/health regulations promoting global ethics honoring commitment sustainable practices). Furthermore evaluating impact individual decisions have larger context wider society provides perspective current status quo allowed determine whether or not firing Trzaska appropriate measure take under given circumstances contrast what might happened had he remained employed longer duration period? Overall having used framework analyze separated pieces puzzle become much easier construct clear picture entirety decide best course action moving forward accordance set guidelines laid out above mentioned parameters aiding management make informed strategic choices increase possibility success going forward endeavors part further progress organization whole .

The WH Framework would help managers make decisions that adhere more closely to ethical principles than strictly economic ones since it accounts for external factors such things like public opinion reputation potential legal liabilities associated certain courses action proposed taken so forth aside pertaining purely profitability margins fiscal returns can generated short long term investments being made (if any). For example let’s say there plan introduce new technological feature product line implementing system requires higher cost reductions across various departments secure initial investment necessary finance project begin however using framework we able understand implications move will have overall performance financially & reputationally both publicly privately paving way strategic choice remain competitive market landscape without compromising existing moral boundaries place procedure put prevent abuse power authority especially situations require strong leadership presence hope inspire others follow suit perhaps lead initiative future projects related ventures alike thus helping promote sustainability culture firm hold onto identity originality despite outside pressures forces trying shape collective objectives movements akin those done seen major tech giants Apple Google Microsoft Facebook Amazon even Microsoft again recently doing series acquisitions smaller scale firms attempt stay top game continuously update innovate succeed updated version themselves keep playing catch up most recent trends ever changing consumer demands preferences fads cycles arise come go perpetually thereby adding layer complexity matter than must navigated wade carefully through utilize maximum efficiency efficiency gains organizational level amounting increased profits eventually.

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