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My Myers-Briggs type indicator is INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). This means that I am a person who is comfortable with solitude and often prefer my own company over others. Additionally, my intuition drives me to find deep meaning in everything and helps me connect the dots on events or situations in ways that others may not be able to. Finally, my feeling nature allows me to relate deeply with people and understand their motivations on an emotional level.

When it comes to communication, this type of personality can be both helpful and hindering. On one hand, being introverted gives me an innate ability to listen carefully before speaking which makes for more effective conversations. Additionally, my intuition enables me to make connections between ideas quickly which can lead to more meaningful conversations. My feeling side also allows me to “read” people better providing insight into how best approach them or what topics are likely off limits etc., allowing for smoother interactions overall.

On the other hand however, being introverted means I need time alone in order to recharge after social interactions which can lead others thinking I am avoiding them or not interested in talking when really it’s just a necessary part of managing my energy levels! Similarly because I get so wrapped up in understanding the underlying meaning behind things it sometimes leads me down rabbit holes during conversation where either they don’t follow or our conversation gets lost entirely! Finally although empathizing comes naturally due empathy overload can occur leaving too drained from all the emotions bouncing around making communication difficult until I take some time away from those situations as well.

In conclusion then manageing interpersonal communications bersonslity requires finding balance between various traits like mine – listening intently but taking breaks when needed; connecting ideas while still staying focused on the main points being discussed; using empathy appropriately so as not overwhelm oneself or conversational partner(s). With mindful attention identitying areas where you tendencies help you communicate effectively as well as any potential pitfalls will go a long way towards improving your overall abilities in this area – no matter what your MBTI result might happen be!

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