Provide a brief description of your population/disorder (2-4 paragraphs). Do not use quotes and make sure the
description allows the reader to easily understand the nature of the disorder. You may use statistics (ie., this
disorder effects appox. 2% of all babies born in the United States) with each of your references cited.
Potential Need Areas (10%)
Break down the needs of your population by the domains of your choice (the following is various examples
under each domain). Please remember, you do not have to address every domain area. Please elaborate on
each of the chosen needs areas and how it impacts your population.
Decrease pain perception
Heart rate stability Sequenced motor movement
Increase self-esteem Effective Coping Skills
Anger Management
Conflict Resolution Skills
On-task behavior
Direction following
Successful transition between activities
Increased interaction
Opportunity for social interaction Identification of support group
Increased use of gestures
Increased eye contact
Increased vocal utterance of “oooo” sound
Identification of primary colors
Body part identification
Exploration and identification of meaning in life Identification of life’s purpose
Assessment (10%)
How would you assess the needs of this population? You may use a standard assessment form (cite and
provide copy of), or create your own form based on standardized form. Must be detailed in what areas you
would assess and how you would complete the assessment (what sources/methods would you use). You do
not need to complete an actual assessment, just demonstrate to me that you have thought about how and what
you would assess with the given population.