· Access the website http://www.ssa.gov/oact/progdata/funds.html and check on the status of the “trust fund.” Look at its status over the last 5 years. Is the trend you see concerning to you and why?
· Research the laws about living wills and durable powers of attorney in a state. Summarize your findings and how to and who would determine the decision-making capacity of a patient should he or she decide to end the authority of the POA
· Access the website of the U.S. health care Market Place at https://www.healthcare.gov/get-covered-a-1-page-guide-to-the-health-insurance-marketplace/. Follow the instructions on how to purchase health care coverage. What types of plans are available and at what cost? Are there affordable plans without a large deductible? What would you select and why?
· Access the CMS website and make a list of the Medicare Part D plans and their evaluations. Examine the evaluations and choose the plan(s) you think would be best for the older adults in your family.
· Access the National Elder Law Association website at www.nelf.org and see what information is provided there. Was the website easy to navigate and did it provide helpful information?
· Investigate the Partnership for Long-Term Care program at www.partnershipforlongtermcare.com. What information can you find for your state? Access http://npionline.org to see if there is a PACE program in your state. Read about how PACE works, what services are provided, how to apply, and how to generate interest to start a PACE program in your area.
· Examine current literature for articles that address the topic of sexual needs in older adults. Summarize their findings.