Answer questions below with reading and links attached.
1. The paragraph beginning with “After the Egyptian and the Indian…” (p. 8) is
the most-quoted passage of DuBois’s many books. How would you summarize this paragraph and the one following it, in particular the idea of “double-consciousness”? Why do you think there are so many references to vision throughout this chapter (“the veil,” “second sight,” “the color line,” etc)?
2. What is DuBois’s overall argument about the Negro and the nation in this excerpt? What do you make of the lines of the spiritual hymn (from “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen”), used as an epigraph? What does this epigraph illustrate or add to the chapter?
3. What is James Baldwin’s main point in the video excerpt from 1969? How does he illustrate his argument? Do you notice any echoes of DuBois’s ideas in this video?
4. In the Armchair Theorists’ video, how do they define a “bad take” vs. a “good take”? What are the characteristics of “bad takes,” according to them? Most media coverage of the protests has said that the protests in themselves are good, but looting is bad. What would you say is their overall “take” on the protests, especially the looting?
5. Comment on the visual style of the Armchair Theorists’ video. How do they present these videos and how does it pair with the narration? What effect does the visual style have on the viewer? How would you compare it to other visual styles you might be familiar with (for example, A. “normal” news coverage style, B. documentary film style, or C. “essay films” like “Ways of Seeing,” or D. other YouTubers–you don’t have to compare all of these, just for example)?