In part 1, food/beverage intake and activity for one weekend day and two week days were collected. In Part 2
of this assignment, you will need to analyze your nutrition and activity. Use the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for
Americans (Links to an external site.) and any additional evidence-based research to compare your results.
This will be in presentation format, using PowerPoint or similar program. Be sure to cover the following
information in your self-reflection:
Adequacy of macronutrient intake:
What was your daily caloric intake? Carbs? Protein? Fat?
How many “empty calories” did you consume?
Did you exceed your recommended caloric intake? (Tip: consider updating the “Wellness Profile” and view the
Intake vs. Goals Report to see your comparison)
Did you exceed recommended cholesterol intake?
Adequacy of micronutrient intake:
Were you deficient in any micronutrients? Exceeding recommended intake?
How was your intake of sodium, calcium, Vitamin C?
Food groups:
Did you consume the recommended number of servings of each food group? Specifically fruits and
Does your current diet omit any food groups?
Physical activity:
How many minutes of physical activity did you complete over the 3 days?
Was it adequate according to recommended exercise goals?
Overall assessment:
How would you say your health measures up to the Dietary Guidelines?
Were you surprised by anything in your assessment?Recommended changes:
Are there any changes to diet or activity you would like to make? Which changes and why?