Place a C next to the corresponding number if no punctuation is necessary. ( 1-10)
1 . As Davids sister announced her graduation ceremony several of her brothers appeared to be jealous and upset about her exhilaration.
2. Many of those parents are excited about the new attendance policies at the school.
3. Harrold is humble enough to withstand the critical remarks of the audience.
4. Several of those questions will be answered by the panel of judges.
5. When a bird or fish senses a predator it has sporadic movement to flee danger.
6. The men dont speak to each other because they are feuding.
7. The diet she chose to follow is unhealthy the consequences will be deadly.
8. Its nose was broken furthermore the veterinarian decided not to charge for the surgery.
9. I am praying the Lord will guide me along my academic journey.
10. Whenever I am scared or angry I go to my closet to pray for peace and safety.
11. Name the last sentence of an Introductory Paragraph:
12. Name the first sentence of a Concluding Paragraph:
13. Name two paragraphs not included in the Sentence Outline of an Essay:
14. List two parts of speech you cannot begin a sentence in a Sentence Outline:
15.List two examples of a coordinating conjunction:
16. List two examples of a conjunctive adverb:
17. List two examples of a subordinating conjunction:
18. In the upper right hand corner of the first page of a Sentence Outline, how do you number the page?:( Give an example of what should be placed in the upper right hand corner of your Sentence Outline.)
19. Name two sentences in a Body paragraph of an Essay where a transition must be implemented : ( Be specific : use the correct terms from the notes .)
20. Name one method used to develop an Introductory paragraph: