1. Self-assess your word processing skills using (Chapter 5 Box 5-1). After completing the skills inventory,
identify at least two goals to improve your competencies. Discuss the results of the inventory and your skills
development plan.
2. Reflect on scholarly papers you wrote for schoolwork. Discuss how manuscripts written for peer-reviewed
nursing journals differ.
3. Compare commercial word processing software, such as Word, with a free software solution. Can you
identify any similarities and differences? Summarize your finding with specific examples.
Textbook Title: Informatics and Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges (5th ed)
ISBN: 978-1451193206
Publisher: Sewell, J. (2019). Informatics and Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges (6th ed). Lippincott,
Williams and Wilkins. P.A
Lynda.com or http://www.professorteaches.com/multi_course/office2019.shtml