This is a theory based (empirical or qualitative) research paper for an Organizational Theory class.
The dependent variable must be either an “organizational theory” such as (behavioral/conflict theory,
contingency theory, configurational theory, resource dependency theory) OR intergenerational work groups.
The independent variable must be either one of the organizational theories above OR intergenerational work
The independent variable (X) leads to the dependent variable (Y).
The title/topic will be based on whichever theory you choose to relate to the intergenerational workforce/work
Review literature the above from only the following top business journals (Administrative Science Quarterly,
Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review). See who these
articles on intergenerational work groups cite in common. Also, look at the implications for future research
section of there articles to identify a gap that need to be closed.
Ex: The majority of the literature on citizenship behavior has focused on the helper in the helping behavior,
however it has not evaluated how the helping act is perceived by the recipient of help. Thus, the purpose of this
article is to close this gap by identifying measures to evaluate how help is perceived by the recipient.
There are 3 sections of the paper.
Section 1: Introduction
The Introduction have four paragraphs1
1a – Join the conversation
1b – Identify the gap
1c – Explain what you are going to do to close the gap
1d – Explain what contributes to closing the gap and extending the conversation
Section 2: Apparatus
This is the theory portion that the paper is based on. What is the independent variable; how does it vary
inherently; how does it relate to dependent variable?
Section 3: Methods (research design that makes the research question)
3a – Data gathering
3b – Measurements
3c – Data Analysis