According to the textbook for this class, you have the most control over the following three aspects of your
health and wellness: first, the amount of physical activity (exercise) you get; second, the amount and quality
of the food you eat, or your nutrition; and, finally, the ability to control stress. Please apply those insights
to your life by fully answering the next six question. This report is worth 5 course points.
Part 1
- What were your goals for the semester that you wrote about in your initial plan?
- Evaluate your progress towards those goals? When the semester is over, do you think you will meet your
goals or miss your goals, or will you meet them in part and miss them in part?
- If you did well this semester, why do you think you did well? If you did poorly this semester, why do you
think you did poorly?
- What do you think you could do better next semester to improve your performance?
- Looking back at any aspect of the course, what is the most important thing you learned about physical
activity (exercise)?
- Looking back at any aspect of the course, what is the most important thing you learned about the way you
eat, or, in other words, your nutrition?
- Looking back at any aspect of the course, what is the most important thing you learned about controlling
your stress?
- What do you think you could do better in the next semester to improve the amount or quality of your
physical activity (exercise)?
- What do you think you could do better in the next semester to improve quality of your nutrition?
- What do you think you could do better in the next semester to improve how you handle your stress?